Animal Reiki in Trivandrum Kerala

Animal Reiki Therapy in Trivandrum Kerala


eiki is a hands-on healing method that originated in Japan. The practitioner channels healing energy through her hands to the animal through a light touch either directly on the body or from a distance. The word Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a Japanese composite word usually translated as “universal life energy”. It is based on the idea that all living beings have life energy flowing through them. When life energy is balanced, our pets are healthy and happy, more relaxed and less likely to get sick. When it is imbalanced, they’ll get easily affected by stress and less resistant to illness. Reiki is a safe complement to conventional medicine to boost their immunity and balance their system.

Reiki sessions for pets typically last 15-20 minutes. The frequency of sessions depends entirely on each individual animal’s health status and needs. Some health issues can be resolved in two or three sessions, others may take ongoing sessions on a recurring basis. We provide the best Animal Reiki Therapy in Trivandrum Kerala.

Benefits of Animal Reiki Therapy for pets:
  • Enhances overall well-being.
  • Strengthens the immune system for cancer therapies.
  • Reiki strengthens the immune system to better deal with this additional stress. It helps alleviate or prevent the side effects of conventional treatments and provides pain relief.
  • Accelerates healing following surgery or illness.
  • Reiki can alleviate and prevent side effects of conventional medications such as pain killers and antibiotics, and provides pain relief and relaxation to facilitate and enhance the body’s natural healing response.
  • Increases trust and bonding between you and your pet.
  • Can help with behavior issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Many behavior issues are caused by stress. Reiki has a calming effect on the pet and may help make the pet more receptive to training and behavior modification. Reiki is extremely beneficial for animals with a history of abuse. The gentle touch and the energy can help restore trust in animals who have learned to associate touch with being hurt.
  • Provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety and fear for terminally ill animals.
Distant Treatments

Reiki can be given distantly. Distance healing, also known as remote healing, is an energetic healing process that can be best explained through the principles of Quantum physics. It has been proven to be extremely effective, sometimes even more effective than local, hands-on healing.

How does it work?

Quantum physics shows us that everything is made up of energy, and everything is connected. Everything is part of the same, continuous whole. Long distance healing is “wireless” healing. We accept that cell phones, televisions and even our garage door openers work in this wireless way. It’s not much of a leap to accept that all energy travels that way, including the energy of healing.

Why choose remote healing over hands on?

Other than the obvious reason – the person or animal requesting the healing is not in the same geographical area as the practitioner – remote healing can be a good option for animals who are skittish about being with strangers or too hyper to sit still. For humans with busy schedules, remote sessions allow them to benefit from the energy without having to make time to drive to and from the session. Remote treatments are just as effective as in person treatments and can be preferable to hands-on treatments in some instances. Distance treatments are also quick to schedule: in emergency situations, I can usually offer a distance treatment the same day.

Treatment Length: Typically last 15-20 minutes depending on how much energy the animal is willing to take.

Distance healing takes 30 mins to 1 hour depending on the imbalance in the Chakras of the animals.

We provide the best Animal Reiki Therapy in Trivandrum Kerala.

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